After the stay-at-home orders and shelter-in-place restrictions of 2020, we do not think any of us have appreciated the great outdoors quite as much. Walking, jogging, and running outside have been a newfound freedom for many and have also become a preferred method of exercising, especially in light of so many gym closures. With all of these pedestrians out there, we want to do our part to keep everyone as safe as possible. Pedestrian accidents can have devastating impacts on victims. Pedestrians have no protection and are not likely to fare well should they be impacted by a vehicle, even a smaller sized one at a reduced speed. So, in order to help keep everyone out there safer, we want to go over the more common causes of pedestrian accidents in the hope that we can all do our part to avoid them.
What Causes Pedestrian Accidents?
There are several dangerous driving behaviors that play significant contributing roles in many pedestrian accidents. Speeding, for instance, can greatly increase the likelihood of a pedestrian accident. Speeding reduces a driver’s ability to control the vehicle and to quickly brake and come to a stop. This means that even if a driver sees a pedestrian before impact, it may be too late to effectively slow the car in order to avoid a crash. It also means that, because of the increased speed, there will be an increased force of impact likely to create much more substantial and severe injuries to the pedestrian.
Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is another common cause of pedestrian accidents. When a driver is drunk or has drugs in his or her system, the ability to conduct a vehicle in a safe manner is greatly reduced. Reaction times are slowed. Judgment is impaired. This all paves the way to disaster striking, such as a pedestrian accident.
Failure to yield the right of way is also a common cause of pedestrian accidents. Have you rolled through a stop sign? Ran a red light? Not only does this put you and other drivers at risk, but it also puts pedestrians at risk. Failure to yield the right of way when making a left or right-hand turn is also a common cause of pedestrian accidents. If you make a turn without noticing a pedestrian crossing, even if they are in the crosswalk, a pedestrian accident is likely to result.
What can we do to prevent pedestrian accidents? Be responsible drivers! Drive at safe speeds. Never drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Comply with traffic devices and yield the right of way. Be mindful of pedestrians present. Never assume that a pedestrian sees you. Pedestrians never assume that a car sees you. Defensive driving and defensive walking practices can go to great lengths to save lives and prevent injuries.
Personal Injury Attorney
If you have been injured in a pedestrian accident, trusted personal injury attorney Michael LoGiudice is here to fight for you. For compensation you need to cover expenses such as medical bills and lost wages, Attorney LoGiudice tirelessly pursues your right to financial recovery for your losses. Contact us today.